
Slack is a chat software. Slack has hook’s to provide communication from your tools to your team.

Jenkins can send notification from all your jobs to your team. It can use channels to send especific notification for specific teams.

Create Slack Account

First, create your slack account if you don’t have yet.


Instaling Jenkins app inside slack

To Jenkins access slack, you need install the jenkins app.

Go to your slack and click on “+” (see image below)

Slack Browse app Button plus

Seach for “Jenkins” and click on “install” button

Slack Install Jenkins button

You will be send to Jenkins app page. Click “Install” again

Slack other Install Jenkins button

Select the Channel for Jenkins post message or create a new channel.

For this tutorial, create a channel named “jenkins”.

Slack other Install Jenkins button

Right, Slack is configured and show you a tutorial of how to configure jenkins.

Follow the Slack tutorial.

Installing and configuring slack on jenkins

This step was done in slack tutorial, but let’s review.

Install “Slack Notification” plugin in jenkins

Go to Manage Jenkins > Available tab search for “Slack Notification”. Install it and restart jenkins.

Configuring Slack plugin

Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System. Find “Global Slack Notifier Settings” in this page and populate with your slack information.

Configure Slack plugin in jenkins

After configured click on “Test Connection” button and a new message will be received in slack.

Configure Slack plugin in jenkins

Slack test message

Create a new job in jenkins named “slack-test” and put this pipeline script:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Slack Message') {
            steps {
                slackSend channel: '#jenkins',
                    color: 'good',
                    message: "*${currentBuild.currentResult}:* Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}"

This script will send to channel ‘jenkins’ a message with color named ‘good’ (green). This message will contain the Job result (SUCCESS/FAILURE), the name of the job, the build number and a link to see the build information.

Run the job and you will receive a new message in slack.

Configure Slack plugin in jenkins

Add User in message

To add the user who run the build inside the message, you need create a function with the pipeline.

def getBuildUser() {
    return currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(Cause.UserIdCause).getUserId()

Create a new environment for pipeline

environment {
    BUILD_USER = ''

Set the environment with the function return.

script {
    BUILD_USER = getBuildUser()

Change the message to contain the new information.

The new pipeline is.

def getBuildUser() {
    return currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(Cause.UserIdCause).getUserId()

pipeline {
    environment {
        BUILD_USER = ''
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Slack Message') {
            steps {
                script {
                    BUILD_USER = getBuildUser()
                slackSend channel: '#jenkins',
                    color: 'good',
                    message: "*${currentBuild.currentResult}:* Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} by ${BUILD_USER}\n More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}"

Before run, you need remove the checkbox “Use Groovy Sandbox” below pipeline.

Configure Slack plugin in jenkins

Run and see the new message, now with user information.

Configure Slack plugin in jenkins

Dynamic information about the build

Let’s create a new pipeline. This pipeline will send the notification with colors based on status.

First, create a array of colors based on jenkins job status.

def COLOR_MAP = ['SUCCESS': 'good', 'FAILURE': 'danger', 'UNSTABLE': 'danger', 'ABORTED': 'danger']

Now, the color parameter is:

color: COLOR_MAP[currentBuild.currentResult]

To run the slack notification in job failure or success, use post build.

You can learn more about post build on How to do Post Build in Jenkins Pipeline

The entire new pipeline:

def COLOR_MAP = ['SUCCESS': 'good', 'FAILURE': 'danger', 'UNSTABLE': 'danger', 'ABORTED': 'danger']

def getBuildUser() {
    return currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(Cause.UserIdCause).getUserId()

pipeline {
    environment {
        //This variable need be tested as string
        doError = '1'
        BUILD_USER = ''
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Error') {
            when {
                expression { doError == '1' }
            steps {
                echo "Failure"
                error "failure test. It's work"
        stage('Success') {
            when {
                expression { doError == '0' }
            steps {
                echo "ok"
	post {
        always {
            script {
                BUILD_USER = getBuildUser()
            echo 'I will always say Hello again!'
            slackSend channel: '#jenkins',
                color: COLOR_MAP[currentBuild.currentResult],
                message: "*${currentBuild.currentResult}:* Job ${env.JOB_NAME} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} by ${BUILD_USER}\n More info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}"

Test your job changing the environment “doError” from ‘1’ to ‘0’.

The new slack message:

Configure Slack plugin in jenkins
