Jenkins and Slack Integration


Slack is a chat software. Slack has hook’s to provide communication from your tools to your team.

Jenkins can send notification from all your jobs to your team. It can use channels to send especific notification for specific teams.

Jenkins Pipeline Building Docker Image


Hi everyone. In this tutorial we will create a docker image with jenkins and send then to dockerhub.

What’s docker? Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications.

You can learn more about docker in docker website

Jenkins Starting with Pipeline doing a Node.js test


For this tutorial, you need jenkins installed. You can run in docker with this tutorial Quick start with jenkins in docker.

The pipeline is better because:

  • you can reuse everything you did
  • you can put your build code inside project together with your code
  • you can version the job code
  • the change in pipeline is showed in “changes” inside job history

All changes in git the job is started. With Jenkinsfile(file with pipeline script) inside your git project, all changes in pipeline or your project the job will start and the modification is logged by jenkins.

Quick start with jenkins in docker


What’s Jenkins? Jenkins is a automation tool. With it, you can create jobs to build, test and deploy your application.

Jenkins, docker and Pipeline

You can create your pipelines in jenkins. But, whats’s pipeline? Pipeline is a script step by step of all things that you need to do. Example: you will create a pipeline to build your code. First step is checkout your git code, after this you need test, build, package, create a docker image and finaly, deploy your code.